I was asked the question this week, are you sad? Sad about what was my response? Leaving my house? No, not at all. When we bought this house it was a great thing for us, a great "step up" from a worldly view. Do I have any sentimental ties with it? No. Yes I brought my daughter home to this house, but each of my kids came home from the hospital in a different vehicle to a different house. It's not like all three came home to this one. There are many things I would change about this house and many things I would keep the same. I have lots of memories here, but those I'm taking with me. Now my neighbors (some anyway) I'll miss, but I'll just have to make more of an effort to keep in touch. One is actually a cop in East Lake that works night shift, isn't God great :)
Now, don't get me wrong there are things that will be missed.
I may not be the one that gets out there and mows the grass every time, BUT I am a big stickler about weeds. I will call whoever I need to & do whatever and get those weeds taken out! It has taken 4 years, but they are gone.
My thumb is not green, even though I would really like it to be. I have killed more plants than I care to share about, but I love them. I really do try and my hydrangea has done wonderfully.
I also got this little guy from my dad. Last year I lost it thanks to our dog, Boss. He decided to use it as a chew toy. It has come back with a vengeance!
So, the house will not be missed, but my yard yes. We are moving to lots and lots of weeds and trees. Maybe in 4 years I will have conquered them as well.
I need your secret weed killing recipe!=o)