Thursday, May 20, 2010

Where is that???

Now that we are in the process of buying a house in East Lake, the question I am getting now is where is that in relation to....???

Note about myself - I have no sense of direction! Honestly I'm just hoping I can figure out how to get to our new house. Don't laugh....I'm serious! I'm getting more familiar with the East Lake area and recognize different places, but once I'm there and you ask me to get from point A to point B, well lets just hope you don't mind if I'm late. I will get there, but it may take me awhile to figure out exactly how to get there and I'm sure I will be driving in circles several times before I arrive.

So, here is a map for those of you from B'ham who do have a sense of direction and know where our new home will be in relation to what you are already familiar with in the East Lake area.

View Larger Map


  1. Well, I guess you won't be needing me to help you find your way around because I am right there with you. ZERO sense of direction.

  2. How is it we can find ANY toy, sock, permission slip, or phone that our husbands or kids have misplaced but we can't find our way around? I'm with you. I'll wave when we drive by each other...and when we drive by each other again a few blocks over...and again...
