Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Minute to Win It

So have you heard of the game show Minute to Win It? I have seen the commercials, but honestly I have never watched the show. The commercials did intrigue me so I went to the website and I made a few notes of some games. We played a few with the kids at Isabel's birthday party, one being the Dizzy Mummy. Kids had fun, I think, they were more interested in just being kids and playing on the trampoline.

The real games began when everyone went home. My sister was here for the weekend and we had to try some of the games out ourselves. I only got a few pictures, since I was competing with her, but one game she did complete (that I only took pictures of her doing) was Face The Cookie.

Can you tell the object of the game? One Oreo from forehead to mouth, only face muscles, no hands. It's harder than it looks! I'm a proud big sister!!

1 comment:

  1. She's a good sport for letting you post these photos. =o)
