Ever since Caden could walk & talk he has wanted shoes that light up. I however can not stand shoes that light up. I think most are bulky and just plain ugly. Every time we would go shoe shopping we would always find something that we could agree upon, but it never failed that Caden would ask - beg - for some that light up. I really thought I was in the clear and that maybe he was past this phase. Until this past Friday. Ben is off on Friday's and was heading out to pick up some boxes so we could start packing and he took the boys with him. While they were out he gave me a call and said he noticed the boys shoes were looking rather ruff. I told him if he was up for it to go ahead and take them shoe shopping.
This is what they came home with....
(By the way yes they both had mud on their new shoes within 24 hrs)
Carter's choice

Caden's choice

Yes, they light up! And he will be very proud to show you.

Even though I do not like the shoe choice that Caden picked or the fact that Ben actually spent that much money on them, I do realize that he is only 5. To see his little face & the excitement he has for his new light up shoes, it's so worth letting him have at least one pair that light up. That's what I keep telling myself anyway. I'll let you guess who plans on taking them shoe shopping next time....
OH NO!!!!! I had to swallow my pride about light up shoes when my mom bought Braeden light up Thomas the Train shoes. That's a double no-no in my book. =o) Welcome to the club.