This is where most of Caden's Friday was spent.
Sat. we woke up to a beautiful day, one we hadn't seen in awhile. The sun was shinning and it was actually warm enough to go outside without a jacket. Since it was a day that we were all home with nowhere we had to be, I got out my to do list. Ben loves my honey do list :) ok, not really, most of the time it just gets longer and longer. It was stuff we HAD to get finished though since we have the house for sale. We washed windows, puttied some nail holes, painted door trim, cleaned the garage, and did a little touch up paint. Of course I had two little helpers right under my heels wanting to help.
So I put them to work helping with the laundry...
and dishes....
It wasn't long before my help had disappeared and I found one outside building a fort with Ben's golf clubs.
and the other just running around pushing her puppy in the stroller. Side note - Yes, she dressed herself and yes pink is our favorite color!
Caden was still a little sickly, but came outside with the rest of us just because he couldn't resist the wonderful weather. He didn't stay long and was back resting on the couch. Luckily this "bug" that he got was only a 24 hr deal, it just left him without any energy for a few days.
Now that it's Sunday night we are getting back into the "grind" and my nightly to do list starts again.
Clothes are laid out...
lunches & snacks are packed....
and juice cups are ready for breakfast...
I think it's going to be a great week.
He is our strength now let us sing for Jesus Christ our risen King!
Don't you just love a productive day!