For example right before Carter was born I saw some blocks in the Pottery Barn Kids magazine that I absolutely loved. So Ben & I came up with this to go above his crib, which is still hanging today above his big boy twin bed.
Of course I had to make Caden one to match.
With two little boys and 9 months preg. I didn't make Isabel blocks (I ended up buying some), but I did see a picture in Pottery Barn Kids magazine for around $65. When I saw it you know exactly what I said....I can do that!
Same with cakes. Now grant it I usually recruit my sister to come help me, but hey she works for free :) Since my sister wasn't available for this particular cake, a friend helped me out.
Ben is a little higher scale than I am when it comes to making things himself. He wanted pull-up rings to hang in the garage for part of his workout. He bought some PVC pipe, heated it in the oven and made them into rings.
He also enclosed our back porch into a playroom.

I say all that not to bring any creative credit to ourselves. Honestly the biggest reason I (we) are DIY'ers is because I'm cheap. I just can't make myself pay the high prices and everything that I like has a high price tag. Esp. since most of what I like & re-create is from Pottery Barn.
Now with that said, we are again trying to do something ourselves. Yes to save some bucks.
Ben did create a website that has lots of pictures of the house, so if you know of anyone looking for a house in Chelsea tell them about
Yes, DIY'ers unite! I love it. Now can you tell me how to make the blocks. Those would look adorable in the homes school room!