Every week we work on their handwriting skills & learn a different Bible verse. This week our verse was Proverbs 14:31. To help the poor is to honor God.
Most of my time is consumed with teaching, loving, and taking care of my children during the day. Most of Ben's time during the day is consumed with teaching, loving, and taking care of the needy in our neighborhood. I have had guilty feelings of living here in East Lake, but not being able to put the time into spending with my neighbors like I wanted. However, God has really opened my eyes to how my time right now is to be devoted to disciplining my kids and loving & encouraging my husband. It's taken a few months of struggling with my pride, but I think I'm finally getting there.
I am constantly praying for ways for God to use us as a family to minister in our neighborhood. Especially this week after learning our Proverbs 14:31 verse. So last night we had three people that are in poverty over to our home for dinner. Now these three were not individuals that we didn't know anything about, Ben has been working and meeting with them outside our home for a while now. Not just anyone from our neighborhood is welcome in our home. I say this not to be prideful, but we are very careful & cautious of who walks into our home.
Last night we were able to provide a home cooked meal (I actually cooked a home made meal from scratch, some of you are in disbelief I know) for some young men and a young lady that rarely ever have full stomachs. We had some great conversations, played cards, and finished the night off with some Wii boxing. My prayer is that the time we as a family spent with those in need last night would be a learning experience for our kids as well as honoring to God.
I am not in disbelief at all. I remember from college that you were a good cook. Wow, girl, I can really see God doing wonderful things in your lives! I love reading your blog! :-)