Speaking of flexible, this past Valentine's weekend didn't go as planned. Ben & I didn't have definite plans, but even those not so definite plans went out the window on Friday night. Momma got the big ole stomach bug!! So as I was in the bed (and bathroom) all Friday night & Saturday AND Sunday even Ben had to run the house solo. Since we knew we were not going to be going and celebrating just us two, Ben got the kids involved and got creative.
This was my breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
And this was my Valentine's gift :)
Happy Valentine's Day
pictures inside the book....
Ten Years of that love holiday

but no time for us if the kids have their way

from loose teeth and potties and rough wrestling

to "we're really not tired" and "rock me and sing"

Our life together is never a bore

And I look forward to years of loving you more

Happy Valentine's Day from your crazy crew

From daddy, your boys, and Izzy-boo too

This was the last page, which was made from things around our house. I love it!

I wish I had shopped ahead, but instead from my bedside this is all I came up with for a gift in return. I find it very appropriate for my creative man! I love you babe :)
Not stalking. Found your blog when you commented on Brook's. :-) Andrew and I fully believe that Valentine's Day was created to be ruined. And the worst ones are always the most memorable. We quit putting pressure on it a long time ago and have reveled in the unpredictable ways it manifests itself. We had a puker, too, that Friday before, so we all settled for a dinner of noodles and cheese by candlelight. :-)