I had tried a few times before now to get her to go potty, but you know when a little one is not ready, they are not ready! She has been going some at school for one of her teachers. Her friend Elory goes, so she was inspired :) Sat. morning woke up dry....so we tried to go potty and we went! All day Sat. & Sun. we wore big girl panties and only had one little accident.
We luckily had some big girls panties already, in what other color than pink! Izzy bear LOVES pink! Since this picture, we have purchased another set of pink Minnie mouse and Tinkerbell.
I had told Isabel awhile back that if she would go potty she could get M & M's. Of course she remembered that, but not just ANY color would do. She wanted PINK M & M's. Lucky for us it's Valentine's month....the pink month :)
I'm so excited to say that Isabel is now a "big girl". As a momma though it's also a little sad that I have no more in diapers! Where did my babies go? Maybe I should bring up that adoption topic again with Ben. I have always said I wanted four :)
I cannot believe she is old enough to be out of diapers already- this makes me sad.... :(