Today was the big day! The day for the ultrasound to find out if baby DeLoach #4 is a boy or girl. In my previous
post about finding out we were pregnant I mentioned that Ben wanted to find out, but not tell anyone. I wanted to find out, but didn't know if I could keep it a secret. We have had a little change in plans since then.
Little background first - with Carter, our first, we found out. Carter was 2 months old, yes you read that right, when we found out we were pregnant again. Our situation and all the emotions of what was going on at that point in our lives lead us to the decision to find out again what we were having with baby #2. Three years later when we found out we were pregnant with baby #3 I decided to add some surprise & fun to the pregnancy and not find out, not even anything written on my file. Ben wasn't too happy, but he gave in and let me have my way. What a good husband. Now don't get me wrong, I really loved knowing what the boys were before hand so I could prepare the nursery as well as get all the clothes in order.
However, the surprise and fun filled emotions of having my husband look up at me after baby #3 had arrived and said "It's a girl" That was one of the best moments ever!
Ok, now back to finding out with baby #4. So what plans did we change? I let Ben find out, but I DID NOT. I just wasn't ready or sure if I even want to find out. I just remember that feeling of finding out once the baby was much more excitement than to find out @ 18 wks (to me). Ben has always wanted to know and really does not like surprises. Since he let me have my way last time and not find out, I decided to be the nice wife and let him find out today. Did come up with a backup plan though. Just in case I change my mind before June 10th gets here, I gave the ultrasound tech this:

In that envelope it holds the answer. The answer everyone is wanting to know, except for Ben & one of my doctors. He had a question about the picture in the envelope that he couldn't ask the ultrasound tech b/c we were in the same room & we didn't need to take any more of her time. Due to weather there was only one ultrasound tech there today & lots of pregnant women.
I don't want to leave you with absolutely nothing so here is a picture of our little bundle. I know it's not the best, I had to take a picture of the picture, unfortunately we don't have a scanner. Everything looked and sounded perfect. It made it even more fun b/c all three kids got to come to the doc. with us today. Weather prevented our planned babysitter, but it worked out wonderfully. The kids got to see the baby & hear the heartbeat. We even got to see the baby have hiccups.

So unless I cave & sneak a peek in the envelope, only 5 more months. No problem ;)