Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Clip

A few weeks ago as the boys and I were having school in the classroom, Isabel brought me a bucket of buttons that she found on my shelf. She sweetly asked if she could take them in the dinning room and play with them to which I replied, of course. Something that would keep her occupied so the boys and I could focus and finish their school work - score! She played with all the buttons for awhile and then the boys even joined in on the fun. They even found a few things mixed in with all the buttons like some penny's and hair clips.
Then nap time came.
While I was attending to another matter, I went ahead and told Izzy to crawl into her bed and I would be there in just a moment to tuck her in. Not 2 min. went by and I heard "mommy....mommy....MOMMY" to not make her wait any longer I headed into her room. I had no longer gotten both feet in the doorway and she stared crying almost hysterical. I walked to her bedside and she said "I swallowed it". Swallowed it !?! Swallowed what, I asked, to which she replied "the clip". The clip that she had found in the button bucket that had two sparkly "diamonds" on it. She then told me she was trying to get one of the sparkly things out of the clip and the whole thing just went down. Oh the thoughts that went through this momma's mind. As I'm trying NOT to panic, I picked her up and felt her throat. I didn't know, it could have turned & gotten stuck (even if she was still breathing). I stripped her bed of everything thinking maybe she was just mistaken and the clip had fallen in the sheets. This momma was in almost panic mode here people. I was relieved that she was talking, crying, and most of all breathing, but WHAT do I do now? I call Ben, who was of course calm and said we would just watch her, he didn't think an emergency room visit was needed at that point. So that's what we did, waited. I of course googled it and everything I read said just wait 3 to 5 days and if by day 7 you haven't seen it go get an x-ray. That was assuming she was breathing, not vomiting and eating/drinking normally, which she was. So the waiting started. For 5 days the only thing I would let my child eat/drink was fiber one bars and apple juice with I think a McD's meal in there too (that seems to do the trick as well). Finally the night of day 5 we were greeted with the clip again. It wasn't fun finding the clip or all the many times we had to check for the clip before it made it's appearance, but hey that's part of parenthood right. The clip wasn't as big or long as I had remembered, which is a good thing, because the return of the clip wasn't a painful issue. Crazy how your mind will remember things. If your wondering, it was about 2". Being a momma is full of exciting adventures, even if some are a little nerve-racking. Love every moment, good and bad!

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