Saturday, November 13, 2010

Four is a wonderful number

You just never know exactly what God has in store. We sold our home in Chelsea in June and moved in with my Father-in-law and Step Mother-in-law in Gardendale. July, Ben and I took a 10yr anniversary cruise. August, we started homeschooling with the boys. September, Ben & I went to Thailand to share the gospel with the Thai people. October, we moved into our new home in East Lake. Things were starting to calm down a little, then we discovered this.

That's right! DeLoach # 4 will be here in about 7 months! June 10, 2011.

I know there are probably lots of questions going through your mind right now so I want to go ahead and answer a few.

The one I really don't understand why people ask, but they DO.
YES, we know what causes it!

Yes, we were trying for #4

Yes, this baby was Made in Thailand

As of today (11/13) I'm 10 wks, due June 10th, 2011

We will prob. find out what we are having. HOWEVER, Ben doesn't want to tell. Not sure I can keep it quite.

My Doctor is Dr. Dan Hudson @ St. Vincent's - Henderson & Walton. He was my doctor with Caden & Isabel, however he didn't deliver either one, maybe this time he will actually be on call when I go in.

I have been very nauseous! The worst yet. From the time I wake up till I go to bed. Hopefully around week 12 it will be over and I can enjoy the pregnancy.

We are starting to think about names, but all we have so far is a boy will start with a C and girl will start with an I.

one more....

YES, the kids are very excited. Although, if you ask Isabel, she is NOT going to share her room. Says the baby can sleep in the hall. :) Little does she know.....


  1. Hoping we both feel better soon! =o)

  2. AHHH!! I'm so happy for you guys!! I can't wait for all of your updates on baby #4!! :)

  3. Congratulations!! I heard the news on our way home from Guatemala and had already formulated all my questions. Glad you can read my mind and answer them all on your blog. :) So happy for y'all and do hope you feel better VERY soon!!
