How the day did play out....
Easter Baskets around 7:45 a.m.
Making of Resurrection Rolls around 9 a.m.
I got this idea from a friend and the kids loved it.
Before we started making the rolls, we read the Resurrection story from the Jesus Storybook Bible.
I boiled eggs to dye around 10 a.m.
Started preparing the Easter dinner (lunch) around 11 p.m.
Ben's mom & stepdad came for lunch around 1 p.m.
Egg Hunt followed.
Ben's mom had prepared prize eggs!
Movie on the couch around 4 p.m. Only some stayed awake to finish the movie ;)
I had hoped for a cute picture of the kids all in their new Easter outfits, but since we ended up not even leaving the house the putting on of the "dressy" outfits was not a battle I intended to fight. So this year this is the picture we have to remember Easter 2010.

That sweet little angel. Her cast makes me sad! But, it looks like an amazing mom I know pulled off an Easter to remember despite the unplanned trip to the ER, broken arm and long hours up with a hurting baby girl. You rock MOM! BTW, send me an email and let me know who did your baskets.