Ben and I have traveled to different countries outside the U.S. in the past few years. When visiting these countries we expect things to be different. The way people talk, shop, eat and just live. I didn't however expect things to be that different when we moved to the other side of Birmingham. I was wrong. I'm sure after we have been here longer I will have yet another list, but here is what I have noticed after just two months.
1. When you wave or say hello, not everyone knows how to respond back and look at you in shock because you actually acknowledged them.
2. You are always watched (at least on our street), when talking to neighbors most of the time the conversation starts with them saying....I saw when you...I noticed you....
3. Toilet paper is something people run out of often.
4. Do NOT give anyone cash
5. If you start a relationship off with giving someone something - immediately you started the relationship as a give and take relationship and human nature will always want to take. Start off as a friend who listens, not just someone who gives things.
6. When you see shoes hanging over power lines it means somewhere nearby you can buy drugs.
7. If someone receives money from the government, more than likely they really think it's the government giving them money, NOT portions from the working citizens paycheck.
8. EVERYONE has a story and is in DESPERATE need of a listening ear i.e. true friend.
9. If someone receives a disability check it seems the common "illness" is bi-polar and/or mental breakdown.
10. People here in East Lake like to sit outside on the porch or in the yard for hours. Why? Some reasons could be it's dark inside, nothing to sit on or simply nothing to do or watch, or there could possibly be an abusive situation they are avoiding in the house.
11. Having access to a vehicle is rare.
12. The ability to think financially ahead of time how to pay rent, bills, get needed monthly medicine and provide food in the home is not just there.
13. When you hear yelling outside, it's doesn't necessarily mean a fight, it could just be one neighbor talking to another, but not leaving their own yard to have the conversation.
14. When two siblings are in a disagreement about something and one thing leads to another, they will call the cops on each other and press charges - sending one to jail.
15. FEAR is an issue with most women. Biggest fear being if something happens to them who will take care of their children.
16. If you deliver mouse traps @ 10:30 at night to a friend who lives in an apt. you are more than likely going to find yourself in the middle of a drug deal
17. When showing your ID to the officer when entering the DHR building - which you have to show even if you are just transportation for someone - and your license is in a Vera Bradly ID key chain/holder, EVERYONE will make a big deal about the fancy holder for your license.
18. If you hear a gun shot, don't jump to conclusions or call the cops immediately, it could just be your neighbor verses the squirrels in his own backyard.
19. Expect most of what people tell you to be a lie.
20. People do not refer to where they live, they will tell you where they stay. Because next week they may be staying somewhere else.
And the BIGGEST lesson that God
has taught me is teaching me....DO NOT treat my neighbors as projects, they are people, God's creation, and I need to be their friend and show them the love of Christ. As well as, NOT refer to people in poverty as they - they need this, they don't know how to......THEY are not them by name, as one friend to another.