Santa isn't someone we really talk a lot about in our home. The world however talks about the jolly old man enough that we really don't have say a word. The boys asked the big question last year - is Santa real? To which we replied (I with a lump in my throat) no, he's not. Ben and I had already decided when the kids asked we would tell them the truth. Didn't think they would be in 4k & K when they asked. I was in 4th grade before I found out about Santa. Honestly I was kinda nervous of the response we would receive back. Would they be mad that it was us and not really Santa? We explained the fun we could have in pretending that Santa was real. Also explained that Santa was just a symbol of Christmas kinda like the Christmas tree, but he wasn't the focal point of why we celebrate Christmas. We also had to add in how we shouldn't go around telling our friends Santa isn't real. Carter loves to spoil a surprise, and if he thinks he knows something you don't, it's hard for him to keep that mouth shut. The boys took the news rather well and decided they were totally ok with the fact that Santa wasn't real, as long as they could wake up to presents on Christmas morning. Didn't seem to matter to them who brought the gifts. Now don't go getting all upset with us for telling them the truth at such as young age. Like I mentioned before we talked about the fun we can have with Santa, just have to make sure he doesn't become a focal point. Part of our Santa fun is going to visit him at the Bass Pro Shop. This year we even went with friends.

And all three kids made sure we left him cookies & milk the night before.

As a side note *the boys may not believe in Santa, but their little sister does. For now anyway.
This year Santa brought something that the boys have been asking for, for months now. Loft beds.

We decided that since the boys were getting new beds that it was time for our little girl to move out of the toddler bed into a twin bed. I almost cried when setting this all up. I can't believe she is already 3!
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