Seems like everywhere we go people are asking the kids what Santa is going to bring them and even what their elf's name is. I know lots of you are into the whole elf thing, but just so you know if you ask my kids who their elf is they will look at you with blank stares. This momma doesn't do the elf on the shelf.
We do have a fun activity each day that we do together as a family. Go
here if you missed that post.
Last year we made a Gingerbread house to put as the centerpiece of our dinning room table. This year I wanted something more Christ focused in our decorations. This is what I found.
The Gingerbread Nativity.

We read from the Bible the story of Christ's birth. Then made our own Nativity.

It was such a fun craft that we have actually made several. We made one with my sister, one with our church family, and one with a neighbor. Such a great way to share the birth of Christ with kids.
Love this. And fully support the lack of elves in your home.