Serving isn't easy sometimes. Especially with 4 kids in tow. A question I often ask myself is how I can serve and NOT have to hire a babysitter? For us,
Discovery Clubs was one answer. One day a week Ben and I along with all four of our kids drive down the street to
Robinson Elementary where we get to interact with a special group of kids. It's not always easy to get there and it requires Ben coming from one direction with 2 kids and me coming from another direction with the other 2 kids. Many days I have to take a deep breath before I enter the room, but once I see the smiling faces of those 2nd grade girls it's all worth it. It's not about me and what is easy for me. It's about spending time with these children and loving them as we show them the love of Christ. We get to sing, have snack, teach from The Jesus Storybook Bible, pray, meet in small groups and most importantly share Christ with these kids. We are also thankful to be doing this with 6 other people from our church (absolutely LOVE serving along side these ladies each week.)
As a little side note, I will say I am NOT a fan of the yellow vest we are required to wear. However, I do obey the rules and wear it.

The guys teach the 2nd grade boys and the women teach the 2nd grade girls. It's actually a perfect setting to take my boys to since they are 1st and 2nd grade. Even though Isabel is 4, she fits right in with the girls. Cannon, well, he watches from the stroller and does a great job at being the perfect baby.

In the schools that Discovery Clubs are offered they begin with the 2nd grade and if there are enough volunteers they add others grades up to 4th. There just aren't enough volunteers to offer more at Robinson right now. We meet once a week right after school lets out. Now don't think that Discovery Clubs are just offered to inner city schools. They are all over Birmingham. Remember, it's not just the inner city kids that need Christ. The school where Carter went to Kindergarten,
Mt. Laurel, is in a very "well to do" area and they have a club that meets on Thursday afternoons.
I would say it's only a one hour a week commitment, but by the time you arrive at the school - spend time with the kids - then wait till they have all gone home, it's about a 2 hour a week commitment. Of course if your doing the teaching part it requires some prep time as well.
If you are interested in serving with Discovery Clubs I would be more than happy to get you connected, just let me know. You can go
here to see all the schools that offer Discovery Clubs as an after school program.
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