I found lots of different ways to count down to the day of Christmas.
Here's how the DeLoach's are counting.
I am a sucker for using something that I already have at the house.
I painted some larger Popsicle sticks green and some smaller ones yellow.

Then cut out some folding cards and placed a number on top. I got the number printable

I then hot glued some of my green sticks together (made a group of 3, 4, and 5). Then glued my yellow ones together to make a star.

Final product - a tree.

Add a little ribbon to the cards and place them on the branches. Ta da - Christmas Tree countdown! Each day when they open the card there is a fun surprise.

It may be as simple as family game night or their favorite so far - tent in living room and dinner inside.

How do you count down the days till Christmas?
oh my goodness--- what a fun idea!!! (and one I will be sure to steal from you in a few years!!!)