Most everyone knows of the storms that hit Alabama last Wed. April 27th. Ben and I woke up early that morning, around 5 a.m., to the winds, thunder and rain that was quickly followed by the power going out. Ben had a speaking engagement that morning around 7 a.m. so as he headed out the door for that I gathered the kids and a bag of clothes. We headed to Gardendale where my father-in-law lives who has a basement. That night around 6 p.m. as everyone except Ben's step sister was sitting in the living room we watched on t.v. the tornado heading straight for Tuscaloosa, AL. Thing is Tuscaloosa's Hobby Lobby is where Ben's step-sister was at that very moment. The house got a little chaotic as Ben's step-mom was trying to reach her daughter. Thankfully she, along with all her co-workers, were fine. The store and their vehicles a different story. Only God gets that glory.

Our neighbors (and I don't just mean the ones right next door) had several trees on houses, in yards and on streets. Not to mention all the debris everywhere. We were out of power for 4 days total and lost most food in the fridge/freezer, but just a small thing compared to what others are facing. So yes, we have been busy with helping neighbors, but it's been such a blessing to be able to meet these neighbors that otherwise we probably would not have met. The Lord is really using this tragedy for HIS glory here in East Lake and I am thankful to be a small part of that. Our prayer is these relationships will go beyond cutting up trees.
Oh and one more little thing happened this week
Wondered about ya'll and prayed for your safety!!God is good and we have a great op for spreading His glory and loving people in His name!