Monday, September 20, 2010

Are you moved in yet?

The popular question now is "are you moved in yet?" To which you would think I could reply, why yes, yes we are, BUT the true answer is no, not yet. As of Saturday we have both PODS unloaded into the house. So we have lots of boxes to unpack.

Rooms full of boxes!

I have been getting things ready, like this before picture of Isabel's room.

To a very pink, princess pink actually. I let them each pick one thing they wanted special for their room. Izzy's was obviously a pink room. The boys are both wanting loft beds. To that we had to answer....we have to finish paying for the kitchen first, but in time.

We also had to clean the floors. It's not child labor if you make a game out of it, right? :)

So you still may be asking, ok you have boxes, the painting is finished, why are you still not in? Well....this is our kitchen.

Hopefully just a couple more weeks and we'll have cabinets and appliances. Then we'll officially move in!

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