We are back in the USA! Correction from my last post. We were on a plane for exactly 24 hours! That's right 24 LONG hours. We did have a couple of plane changes, but in our changes didn't even have time to stop at the Toilet (as they call it in Thailand). My back issues were ok. Every plane we ended up being in the back so I was able to stand and stretch some and not feel like I was in anybody's way. Also my issues I had with flying like feeling dizzy and uneasiness, well just put yourself on a plane for 24 hours and you'll become a pro at flying. Even though the plane ride back was still long, it didn't bother me to be on the plane at all.
I now know why there were so many different little obstacles before we left for this trip to Thailand. It was so amazing to see the faces of not just children, but also adults as they heard the name of Jesus Christ. Did they understand everything we said, probably not. Did we share with them anyway, of course! The missionary that we worked with all week was born and raised in Thailand but is an American, so he was the cool white guy that spoke the language. He was able to present the gospel in their language and relate it to them in a way they could understand. There is also a pastor in the nearby rural area that works with the school, he is the one who set us up to come and teach English. It was a first time for the 7 of us to teach English to students who speak a different language and it was the first time for these students to even see Americans. Our white skin amazed them! Just like we "white" people go to tanning beds and use tanning lotions to get darker the Thai people use whiting cream and powders to whiten their skin. How funny we all are to want what God did not give us.
There is so much that I can not begin to write how the trip went and what all we experienced. Even though we were there 10 days so much happened it felt like we were there no less than a month. I do have lots and lots of pictures which you can view here
khob.shutterfly.com I know that most pictures do not have captions and I would absolutely LOVE to share with you about our trip. If you have questions or want a narrated version with the pictures just let me know :)
The main phrase of the trip ended up being "Just Be". So many times we head off to another country, city, new neighborhood, etc. with our own agenda. We have a plan to share the gospel. Before we even stepped foot on the plane Dwight, our missionary contact/tour guide, told us to "Just Be". To put all our expectations behind us. God had an agenda for this trip and with us all "just being" I feel (hope) it went just as God had intended. There are no words to describe our time there, but I will tell you that I have already set up a Thailand savings account and will be back on a 24 hour plane ride when the Lord leads. I truly have a heart for the Thai people. I now have faces & names so that when I pray for the lost in Thailand I am praying for my friends by name.
This is a blog by one of the guys who went with us, more of a day by day while we were there.