The witness that John was for Christ is amazing. He really had a heart for the impoverished and less fortunate. His life demonstrated that. John was a wonderful example of Matthew 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." Even through the pain that John faced daily, he was going and disciplining others.
John and his wife Kathy were always giving to others. One of the treats that they gave to us was a get away weekend trip just a few months ago to Chateau Toots It was just down the road to Lay Lake, but what a wonderful time we had together.

John is a man that will truly be missed. I count it a blessing to have known him and look forward to the day that we will meet again. We are sad that John is gone from this earth, but so happy that his pain of his earthly body has ended and he is rejoicing in his new body with our Heavenly Father.
Thank you for sharing the fond memories. Love you friend.