We sold & closed on our house in Chelsea in 6 weeks flat. That was just a confirmation & encouragement to us that we were doing exactly what we felt the Lord calling us to do. Move to the "hood". The buying of the house in East Lake has been a different and longer process. We have even been asked the question are you sure that you are supposed to move? What about all the different bumps or issues that have now surfaced with the house? My answer again is yes, wholeheartedly. We have now been in Gardendale living with Ben's dad and Step-mom for two months. In this waiting process for the correct house I have learned many things. Main thing being not to rush into anything! Not to let our thoughts on how things should go replace God's plan. A lot of times when you start down a new ministry path it's easy to let your "cart get ahead of your horse". Ben & I are very excited to get to East Lake to start meeting & having intentional relationships with our neighbors. The past two months however have not been the right time. I do believe we are close, very close :) We are having to replace all windows in the house we are buying and they have to be inspected after installation. We have another closing date of Friday, Aug. 13th (trying not to let the surreptitiousness of that date get me). Our hope is that the windows will arrive Wed. and be installed Thurs. We are told they can be installed in one day. We will see. Until then we are still hanging out in Gardendale. Even though we all sleep in one room

We still have this as our entertainment during the day

I have been totally fine with all the waiting, but I will have to say I'm starting to get a little anxious. Ben and I are planning on going to Thailand the first of Sept. and therefore I needed to start homeschooling the kids mid August. So MY plan was to start homeschooling the kids the week of the 16th. Cutting it close to our closing date to say the least. Good thing is all my home school books have been ordered & delivered to G'dale so my plans may change....
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