I definitely, did not, wouldn't have even thought about pulling a muscle (or whatever I did) in my lower back the night before my 32nd birthday or 8 days before I leave on a trip across the world that I do not feel I am fully prepared for yet. Not to mention 3 days before my sisters birthday (and my parent's 39th anniversary), 4 days before my 2nd son's birthday, 7 days before my 1st son's birthday (and Ben & I's 10 yr).
End of Aug. & first of Sept. are really busy birthday celebration times for us and I had our days packed with things to do!!
Didn't happen
I have been in this same position since Wed. 8/25 at 6pm. until today Sunday 8/29!

Not sure what I did. My lower back had been hurting for a few days and then Wed. night I laid in the floor to stretch and as I came back up I went right back down in a pain I had never felt before. We think I pulled a muscle, but not real sure. Today, Sunday, is the first day that I have been able to get off the couch and walk on my own. I still can't sit very well or for long, but I'm getting better each day. Ben took off last Thurs (he said I just wanted him to stay home with me on my birthday - yeah, that was my plan :) and Friday and has been great help. Although I did make sure his mom was at the house as well....because....
I forgot to mention the part about me passing out the first time I got up early Thurs. morning to go to the bathroom. I woke Ben up to help walk me to the bathroom, we get there, he starts to walk off to get something to drink and all I remember is calling him back to me and then waking up to him swaying and saying I don't feel so good. Wanta guess what happens next? Ben passed out!! Yep, that's one way to bring me back quickly (I have a tendency to pass out when I hit large amounts of pain) not the first time it's happened so Ben was prepared. That was however the first time he had passed out and no I was not prepared. He woke up once (so I thought, he was talking to me) then went out again. Thing is starting the 5 days before my back incident we think Ben got a virus and his stomach hadn't been up to par. With 5 days of nauseousness and dizziness on him already it wasn't the best when I woke him up at 2am and he jumped up a little too quickly to help his bride. So here we are this young, vibrant couple with three young children asleep upstairs....me still on the potty, shorts at my ankles, just waking up not really knowing why I'm even in the bathroom (I had already taken a couple of muscle relaxers) and Ben passed out at my feet! After we both came back to consciousness we had a good laugh. That experience didn't make me feel old on my 32nd birthday at all (lots of sarcasm here). Good news is, we were in the bathroom next to the master where his dad was sleeping and heard me trying to wake Ben up. Ben's dad & step mom were able to get us both up and back to the couch. This living with family thing was definitely to our advantage this time!!
I do have lots more to post with all the birthdays we have celebrated and the ones coming up to celebrate (I'm asking for a redo on mine). So stay tuned. Now that the drugs are wearing off maybe I can get some post loaded ;)