When it comes to fixing dinner I have to have a plan
before 4:00 in the afternoon. Otherwise, it's find what you can because unfortunately I don't have everything I need or the chicken is still in the freezer. Unfortunately there have been many days like that in our house. I decided to make a change. I started by making a list of meals the whole family would eat without complaining - didn't get very many on that list. Eventually I came up with a full two weeks of dinner time meals all typed out and printed neatly. So twice a month we have the same thing. Now I know exactly what I need when I head to the store and know ahead of time to thaw out chicken. Still have days that the chicken doesn't get moved out of the freezer, but hey, I'm tryin.
We still had a blank space in our kitchen that needed something, but I wasn't sure what....so I decided to add a picture frame, but a functional frame. We now have our weekly menu hanging in our kitchen for all to see. Maybe that will stop the repetitive question I get daily, "mom, what's for dinner?"
It's just a collage frame and I added scrapbook paper behind the glass. Then I use a dry erase marker to change out the menu.
I am also constantly thinking of things I need to get next time I'm at the store. Plus it never fails that when I head to the store with a list in hand and I still forget something. So to the left of the menu sits this. It's an old paint/dry erase board that we used to use for school. Great for holding my lists as well as my Costco coupons at the top and the tray at the bottom for all the others.
It's not a perfect system and sometimes we have to change things mid-week, but it's working for us now. Now to work on the healthier meal plan. :)
My SIL does the same thing with the frame but I have a question...where do you find a frame with seven pictures?